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With 2,00,000 + farmers visiting KISAN and 550+ companies participating at KISAN, 
you cannot miss the opportunity to be here.

Reach 150,000 agri- professionals

Farmers love KISAN and KISAN loves farmers. More than 150,000 farmers, agri-professionals, researchers and decision makers visit KISAN in 5 days. This makes KISAN the best platform for agriculture companies to come, connect and conquer the business opportunities. 

 Come, participate in KISAN.

 Connect with the prospects before, during and after the event.

Conquer the business opportunities.

Stay tuned with the industry

KISAN is a great opportunity to learn which direction the industry is going in. Not only you can learn about the farming community but also learn about your competitors. All this information with help you stay ahead of your competition and win customers.

Stay updated on the progress of Agriculture Industry.

Learn more about your customers and what they are looking for.

Know more about your competitors and their progress.

Make a Brand impact

Develop and strengthen your brand. KISAN is a perfect platform where you can make your company or organisation stand out. Let your customers know how reliable and trustworthy your company or organisation is. Just don’t reach your customers, touch their heart and leave an impact.

150 - Thousand visitors

17 - States across India

20 - Thousand Business visitors

Make strategic partnerships

More than 500 companies – small, medium and large participate in KISAN every year. At KISAN, you’ll have the chance to interact with prospective customers, vendors and companies.  This gives you an opportunity to identify people or companies that can help you in your business.

Identify strategic partners

Meet people face to face

Grow your business.


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